Dead Poet Society



Full Name:Dead Poet Society

Dead Poet Society is an American rock band formed in Boston, Massachusetts in 2013 by Jack Underkofler (vocals, guitar), Jack Collins (guitar), Dylan Brenner (bass guitar) and Will Goodroad (drums). The band started off as an independent group, self-producing and self-recording their songs before signing to Universal Music Publishing Group in 2018. They released their debut album -!- in 2021. In a 2016 interview with Beyond The Stage Magazine, frontman Jack Underkofler described the band's sound as "heavy indie rock" and "djent pop," contrasting heavy, down-tuned guitar riffs with soft, pop-adjacent choruses and verses.

The band was formed while the members were attending the Berklee College of Music.

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Dead Poet Society, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.


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